Mark your calendars for Monday, September 9th at 6pm. Bob Weinert, Portage County Emergency Management Director will be at the Town Hall to lead us on required updates to the county’s All-Hazards Mitigation Plan. Join our First Responders, town officials and other interested residents for this important work. For more information contact Clerk Stefanie Schlapa at or 715-213-7370.
The Town Board held its monthly board meeting this week. Of interest was Pine Street (CTH U – 90th Street S). Jim Wendels of Quest Engineering LLC provided the board with the final design and bid documents. Advertising for this project will be published on Mondays August 12 and 19 with a bid opening scheduled for Tuesday August 27. The Town of Grant received a Local Road Improvements Program grant for $44,000 for this project. Mr. Wendels also reported on the bridge projects scheduled to begin on August 26 for 95th and 100th Streets S over Four Mile Creek. Residents on those roads will be informed that there may be time(s) when both roads will be closed as some work (like removal of the culverts) may be done on the same day.
Public Works has been busy mowing and patching; the latter seemingly never-ending! The weather has certainly been more conducive to outside work.
Enjoy the beautiful days but be sure to go outside at night this weekend to view the Perseid Meteor Shower! Sharon