Thank are extended to Bob Weinert, Portage County Emergency Management Director, First Responders Jerry Reinwand and Jim Yetter, Clerk Stefanie Schlapa, and resident Wayne Ladwig for attending our first meeting of the All-Hazards Management Plan. Everyone there had thoughtful ideas of what type and how to manage possible disasters that might affect the Town of Grant. Please join the discussion by contacting our clerk. Your ideas are important!
At our monthly board meeting we approved an amended Uniform Dwelling Code Ordinance. It was more than a decade old and our building inspector, along with the State of WI office that oversees these codes, had notable changes for us to make. The Board also approved the reconstruction of Pine Street from CTH U/80th Street to 90th Street. The low bid of $132,437.60 from American Asphalt was accepted. To offset this project the Town of Grant applied for and received a Local Road Improvement Grant of $44,040.01. This will help to offset the project cost which is scheduled to begin soon.
Public works crew has been busy patching. Some of the larger sections of disrepair on a 100th and 95th are being repaired with the assistance of our grader operator who is smoothing out the cold patch once placed.
The weather is back on track for summer, not fall (yet). Have a great weekend, Sharon