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Plan Commission Meeting: The Plan Commission will meet on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 6:30 pm at the Grant Town Hall.   The agenda and Zoom information for the meeting can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page. 

Weekly News Blast

This week the Plan Commission and Town Board held a public hearing for input regarding our proposed revisions to the zoning ordinance. As mentioned in a previous Weekly Blast changes to the ordinance have been in the works since 2013. The stop/start was due to changes in the town board, plan commission members, COVID-19, Act 67, time spent on the Comprehensive Plan and more. But the revisions are nearly complete pending consideration of public input heard this week. Thank you to those residents who attended or sent in written comments.

In addition, thanks are again extended to Plan Commission Secretary Kathy Lee for drafting and presenting the comprehensive PowerPoint and also to Commissioner Jodi Lomma for bulleting the important reasons for the revisions as follows:

  1. Ensure the regulations are modern and easy to use
  2. Protect existing residents and businesses from adverse land use impacts
  3. Ensure that they are updated to include changes from 2017 WI Act 67 

Have a good weekend, Sharon