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Safest Time to Burn: While there are alternatives to burning like composting or hauling brush to a transfer site, if you choose to burn, the safest time is when the ground is completely snow-covered.  Even if snow-cover is present, never leave a burning pile unattended.  Embers can stay hot for weeks, even when there is snow on the ground.  Make sure your burn pile is completely extinguished before spring fire weather arrives.
Safest Time to Burn: While there are alternatives to burning like composting or hauling brush to a transfer site, if you choose to burn, the safest time is when the ground is completely snow-covered.  Even if snow-cover is present, never leave a burning pile unattended.  Embers can stay hot for weeks, even when there is snow on the ground.  Make sure your burn pile is completely extinguished before spring fire weather arrives.

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