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Weekly News Blast: The plows were out on the hard-surfaced roads early this morning. Most of the unsurfaced roads were left unplowed to allow them to freeze more thoroughly and to pack the snow as vehicles drive over them. In this way when there is more snow, we reduce the likelihood of peeling off some of the road base as we plow. So, patience please. One thing I did notice today was that a few folks have snow blown or plowed snow from their driveway onto the town roads. Please know that this is a violation of a Wisconsin Statute and can carry a fine of up to $50 per occurrence. That’s because snow left perpendicular to the road can harden, creating an obstruction that may cause injury to persons, vehicles, and the Town’s snow removal equipment. So, don’t do that please! The Plan Commission met this week. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and the new Sign Ordinance were completed. I would like to express my thanks to Kathy Lee, Secretary and Commissioners Jodi Eberhardt, Jeanne Eggebrecht, Diana Luecht, and Tom Reitter. There will be a public hearing on January 22nd at 6:30 pm for the revised Zoning Ordinance. Please mark your calendars. Have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday, Sharon

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