Weekly News Blast: Hopefully, you received this quarter’s town newsletter. If not, please check our website as it has been posted. Be sure to read the article by Amanda Haffele, our Portage County Solid Waste Director, about proper holiday materials recycling and disposal. Thank you. Overall, it’s been a good year. Every town official has worked extremely hard, and their efforts are truly appreciated by me (and hopefully by you as well). My wish for you is a happy and healthy New Year. All the best, Sharon
Open House to be held September 11th at the Grant Elementary School Gymnasium (8511 County Rd WW, Wisc Rapids) from… Read More
Meeting starts with public hearing regarding Comprehensive Plan amendment – Solar Overlay Map Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87194915183?pwd=YkhNUlRDWlpIWkJJYUZKYjhiL2VQQT09