New State Program to Protect our Water Accepting Applications Now!
CLICK for Grants for Homeowners, Renters, & Small Businesses to Address Contamination in Private Wells (applications accepted on a rolling basis)
Portage County Treasurer Announces Help for Homeowners
Portage County Treasurer Pam Przybelski is encouraging homeowners who have experienced a financial hardship since January 21, 2020, to access a new state program that is providing assistance with mortgage payments, property taxes and utility bills. Click for details

United Way’s 2-1-1 is an information and referral service that families and individuals can call to obtain free and confidential information on health and human services resources within their community.
The United Way’s 2-1-1 a valuable resource for individuals who have never been put in a position to seek out help with food, shelter, energy assistance, housing, parenting resources, health care, employment, substance abuse treatment, and much more.
The 2-1-1 line operates 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and language interpreter services are available. To speak to an information specialist through United Way’s 2-1-1, simply dial 211 (800-922-5590). This service is free of charge.
Community Development Block Grant Program
This is a program for ensuring the community's ability to conserve, rehabilitate and improve residential properties occupied by low-to-moderate residents.
See the attached brochure or go to the program website for more information.
2023 Community Resource Directory
Farmland Preservation
Attention Farmers: The Town of Grant's Zoning Ordinance includes a farmland preservation district. You may qualify for this program. See the map for areas that are part of this district. Visit the DATCP website for details on this program.

Currently Accepting Applications for Farmland Preservation Agreements (12/2/2022)
Landowners can apply for a farmland preservation agreement for land owned and located within an Agricultural Enterprise Area (AEA). A farmland preservation agreement requires the land to be kept in agricultural use for 15 years and to meet state soil and water conservation standards. In return, the agreement enables the landowner to claim a farmland preservation tax credit.
There is still time for you to enroll your lands in a farmland preservation agreement and claim the tax credit for 2022. Please submit completed 2022 farmland preservation agreement applications to DATCP for processing as soon as possible. To find out if your lands are in an eligible agricultural enterprise area, visit WI Farmland Preservation Online Interactive Map or contact your county conservation department. Application materials can be found at the Apply for a Farmland Preservation Agreement webpage.
As a reminder, a farmland preservation agreement is valid for tax year 2022 only after it is signed and notarized by the landowner and DATCP before the end of the calendar year.
Transportation Services
There are select transportation services in Portage County available if you are over 60 and/or have a disability. Click here for information.
Help Pollinators By Collecting Common Wild Milkweed Seedpods
Wild Parsnip and Teasels Flowering on Roadsides Near You
What is it and why should we be concerned about it? Click to learn more. Avoid skin blistering and help stop the spread of wild parsnip. Read about the management of invasive species in Wisconsin.
Learn more about Teasels.