Since 1907, the Public Service Commission (PSC) has been responsible for the regulation of Wisconsin public utilities, including those that are municipally owned.
Types of utilities regulated include electric, natural gas, water, and certain aspects of local telephone service. More than 1,100 utilities are under the agency's jurisdiction. Most of these must obtain PSC approval before:
- Setting new rates
- Issuing stocks or bonds
- Undertaking major construction projects such as power plants, water wells, and transmission lines.
The PSC does not regulate cable TV, cellular phones, cellular towers, internet service providers, LP gas, or fuel oil.
The PSC works to ensure that, in the absence of competition, adequate and reasonably priced service is provided to utility customers. PSC approval is required before utilities can change rates or build large power plant and major transmission lines. PSC approval is needed for a solar energy project with a capacity of 100 megawatts (MW) or greater. The PSC has specific rules it must follow prior to making decisions on commission actions.
Learn how to subscribe to a PSC docket.
What to expect after a solar developer files an application with the PSC.
Vista Sands Solar Farm Application
- Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Appeals Decision (press release)
- Final Decision
- PSC Correspondence 08.02.24 Letter informing the public of an initial application filed with the Public Service Commission by American Transmission Company and Northern States Power Company to authorize rebuilding approx. 160 miles of existing transmission infrastructure and construct and place into operation a new 345 kilovolt transmission line, to be known as the Grid Forward Central Wisconsin Project.
- PSC Correspondence 07.15.24 Letter informing the public how to access the final Environmental Impact Statement
- Notice of Public Hearing (posted 07.02.2024 on website)
- Environmental Impact Statement Available for Public Comment through June 14th 2024.
- PSC Correspondence 4.29.2024 Notice of Application for CPC to construct a Photovoltaic Electric Generating Facility, a Battery Energy Storage system, collector and project substations, a 345 kV generator tie line, and 138 kV collector transmission lines
- PSC Correspondence 3.07.2024 Notice of Proceeding
- PSC Correspondence 3.8.2024 Letter on Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared.
- PSC Correspondence 2.1.2024 Letter on submitting environmental review scoping comments.
- PSC Correspondence 1.25.2024 Letter on complete application filed.
- PSC Correspondence 1.8.2024 The documents submitted for the application are located in the link below.
- Posters and Papers from UW-Stevens Point Students
- A PowerPoint presentation from the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair by Lynn Markham, Land Use Specialist
- Ordinance 2024-01 An Ordinance Adopting an Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan
- Overlay map approved by Ordinance 2024-1
- Rationale for the overlay map approved by Ordinance 2024-1
- Documents for February 14, 2024 5:30pm public hearing
- Public hearing notice
- Overlay Map Rationale (12-20-23)
- Amended Solar Overlay Map (December 2023)
- Resolution 2023-6 A Resolution Recommending Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan
- Ordinance 2023-02 An Ordinance Adopting an Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan
- Solar Sites in Portage County - September 2023
- PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Solar Overlay Map
- Resolution 2023-04 A Resolution Recommending Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan
- Utility-Scale Solar Site Suitability (summary prepared by Lynn Markham)
- Vista Sands Solar Joint Development Agreement
- Visit: VistaSandsSolar.com/FAQ for more info.
- Vista Sands Solar application with the Public Service Commission
- Draft map 10/31/2023
- Map of boundaries as of 9/11/2023 - The boundaries and primary/alternate are still subject to change as Doral advances discussions with other stakeholders. This is the poster that was available at the Open House.
- Invitation to 9-11-2023 Open House.
- Engineering Plan - Submitted to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and received by the Public service Commission on 8/17/2023
- July 12, 2023 Update
- Vista Sands Solar - Special Roads Consideration
- Ongoing information about the Portage County Solar Project is available at the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin website
- A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity has been filed by National Grid Renewables with the with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. Click to view the document.
- An informational session took place on March 29, 2022 regarding this project. Click for a meeting summary.
- Follow the comments given regarding this project. Click here.
- Click for docket information. You will need to enter docket number – 9810 CE 100