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Weekly News Blast: The plows were out on the hard-surfaced roads early this morning. Most of the unsurfaced roads were left unplowed to allow them to freeze more thoroughly and to pack the snow as vehicles drive over them. In this way when there is more snow, we reduce the likelihood of peeling off some of the road base as we plow. So, patience please. One thing I did notice today was that a few folks have snow blown or plowed snow from their driveway onto the town roads. Please know that this is a violation of a Wisconsin Statute and can carry a fine of up to $50 per occurrence. That’s because snow left perpendicular to the road can harden, creating an obstruction that may cause injury to persons, vehicles, and the Town’s snow removal equipment. So, don’t do that please! The Plan Commission met this week. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and the new Sign Ordinance were completed. I would like to express my thanks to Kathy Lee, Secretary and Commissioners Jodi Eberhardt, Jeanne Eggebrecht, Diana Luecht, and Tom Reitter. There will be a public hearing on January 22nd at 6:30 pm for the revised Zoning Ordinance. Please mark your calendars. Have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday, Sharon

Rapidly Changing Weather Brings Unsafe Ice Conditions Statewide

Rapidly Changing Weather Brings Unsafe Ice Conditions Statewide

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges the public to practice ice safety on all of Wisconsin’s waterbodies and remember that no ice is safe ice.

Temperature swings, mixed precipitation and other factors are making ice unsafe to walk or drive on across much of the state, despite recent snowfall and subzero temperatures.

Get Ice Status From Local Sources

The DNR does not monitor ice conditions. If your plans include access to or use of an ice-covered waterbody, contact your local fishing clubs, bait shops or outfitters for ice conditions.

These places routinely check ice conditions and can give you the best and most current conditions. If you can plan your outing without any travel over ice, do it. 

Conditions Vary On Waterbodies

Each waterbody can have its own characteristics. Check if the lake has inlets, outlets, narrows that have currents or is spring-fed, all of which can thin the ice. Some smaller lakes can have aerators that are run throughout the winter, either covering a large area towards the center of the lake or may have smaller aerators placed by private property landowners adjacent to their shore and piers.

It is equally as important to stay alert for pressure ridges or ice heaves. These can be dangerous due to thin ice and resulting open water. They are often created, move or grow with changes in temperatures and high winds. Pressure ridges and ice heaves can happen on Wisconsin’s largest inland lake, Lake Winnebago, a popular home to sturgeon spearers, and the Bay of Green Bay, among other places.

Ice Safety Basics

Here are a few basic ice safety tips to remember:

  • Carry a cell phone, and let people know where you are going and when you’ll return home.
  • Wear proper clothing and equipment, including a life jacket or a float coat, to help you stay afloat and to help maintain body heat.
  • Wear ice creepers attached to boots to prevent slipping on clear ice.
  • Carry a spud bar to check the ice while walking to new areas.
  • Carry a few spikes and a length of light rope in an easily accessible pocket to help pull yourself – or others – out of the ice.
  • If you fall in, remain as calm as possible. While attempting to get out of the water, call for help. Anyone who attempts to rescue you should use a rope or something similar to avoid falling through themselves.
  • Do not travel in unfamiliar areas or at night.

Have a plan in place noting where you will be and when you plan to return. Along with leaving a written note of your plans, keeping a charged cell phone is also recommended.

Check out the DNR’s Ice Safety webpage for more information on staying safe on the ice, including tips for creating ice claws and what to do if you fall through ice.