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NOTICE: Monthly Town Board Meeting: Notice is hereby given that the Town of Grant Town Board will hold a meeting for the Town of Grant, in the County of Portage, State of Wisconsin, for the transaction of business permitted to be transacted at such meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Grant Town Hall, 9011 CTH WW, Wisconsin Rapids, WI on March 12th, 2025 at 6:00PM.  The agenda can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page. 
NOTICE: Monthly Town Board Meeting: Notice is hereby given that the Town of Grant Town Board will hold a meeting for the Town of Grant, in the County of Portage, State of Wisconsin, for the transaction of business permitted to be transacted at such meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Grant Town Hall, 9011 CTH WW, Wisconsin Rapids, WI on March 12th, 2025 at 6:00PM.  The agenda can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page. 

NOTICE: Beer and Liquor License Applicants

The following have filed application for “Class B” Combination Beer/Liquor Licenses with the Town of Grant, Portage County, WI

  1. Bob McDonald, 4231 80th St. S, for the premise known as Mickey’s Tip-Up located at 4231 80th St. S, Wis. Rapids, WI.
  2. Herbert Brostrom, agent, 7310 Dewberry Lane, for the premise known as Kiwanis Club of Wisconsin Rapids located at 3221 80th St. S, Wis. Rapids, WI.
  3. Doug Beggs, 6050 CTH D, Plainfield, Kountry Kwencher Corp. for the premise known as DJ’s Corner Bar located at 15810 County Road F, Bancroft, WI.
  4. Lisa Erdman, 1215 E. Young St. Wausau, WI, The Fallback, LLC for the premise known as The Fallback located at 9031 County Road WW, Wisconsin Rapids, WI.
  5. Jere L. Winters, 6820 Ahles, for the premise known as Kellner Klub, LLC located at 4111 80th St. S, Wis. Rapids, WI.

The following have filed application for Class “B” Beer License with the Town of Grant, Portage County, WI

  1. Michael Bohn, agent, 6010 Washington St., Rapids, WI, for the premise known as Antler Archers located at 8720 Deer Rd. Wisconsin Rapids, WI.
  2. Kathi Havitz, 8110 Grove Ave., for the premise known as Chat-R-Box Restaurant located at 3821 80th S, Wis. Rapids, WI.

       The following have filed application for “Class C” Wine License with the Town of

       Grant, Portage County, WI.

  1. Kathi Havitz, 8110 Grove Ave., for the premise know as Chat-R-Box

Restaurant located at 3821 80th St. S, Wis. Rapids, WI.

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