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Weekly News Blast: There are two issues of note this week. The Plan Commission met and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding revisions to the Town of Grant Zoning Ordinance. Our thanks are extended to Secretary Kathy Lee who put together a very comprehensive PPoint which will be presented on Wednesday January 22 at the Public Hearing beginning at 6:30pm.  You can preview the UPDATED PowerPoint Presentation if interested. Yesterday the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Wisconsin signed and served their final decision on the Vista Sands Solar project. If you are inclined to read the 70+ page document you can do that also (click for document). Jon Baker, representative for VSS gave a brief update to the Plan Commission on Wednesday indicating that construction may begin in 2026 and anticipated that it will take two years to construct. Like many decisions there are those that will agree and others that will disagree with the PSC. Regardless of where you stand there is no disagreement that it will change the Town of Grant landscape for a least a generation. Enjoy the warm days while they last and be prepared for the Artic blast pending. Stay safe, Sharon

NOTICE: Town Board Meeting

The Town Board will meet on Tuesday December 12th at 8:30AM at the Grant Town Hall.  The agenda can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page. 

This will be a working session to update the Wisconsin Information System for Local Roads (WISLR) to meet state statute requirements.