Amendment to Uniform Dwelling Code 09-11-24 Ordinance 10-01 Amended 091124
Adoption of Uniform Dwelling Code 02-10-2010
Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan, An Ordinance Adopting an (Ordinance 2023-02)
Amendment to the Town of Grant Comprehensive Plan, An Ordinance Adopting an (Ordinance 2024-01)
All-Terrain Vehicle/Utility Terrain Vehicle (Amended July 2019)
Cable Television Regulatory Ordinance 07-05-2001
Comprehensive Plan (2018) amended 02/14/2024
Domestic Fowl Ordinance (2021)
Establishing Appointment of Town Clerk and Town Treasurer 06-10-2020 and the Resolution to Rescend Ordinance 2020-01
Extended Town Officer Terms in Response to Election Law Changes 04-10-2012
Firearms and Dangerous Weapons (2022-01)
Implements of Husbandry
- Option D - Opt Out of State IOH Length and/or Weight Limits including list of roads (amended 10-30-2016)
- IOH Designated Road Map - 2016
Issuance of Citations for Violations of Town Ordinances 04-16-2008
Municipal Solid Waste 09-09-2009
Open Records Ordinance 05-20-2023
Protecting Town Water Supply 07-09-2002
Reimbursement for Emergency Rescue Extrication Services on State and County Highways 12-16-2011
Speed Limit - Ordinance 2023-03 Lower Speed Limit on Evergreen Ave (speed limit is also found under resolutions)
Split Shifts for Election Workers 03-14-2012
Stop Signs on Highways, Ordinance to Provide;(Birch & Angle) 04-30-2019
Stop Sign 90th and Mill 2024-02 (3-13-2024)
Subdivisions and Other Divisions of Land by Owner or Owners 11-02-1978
Tax Collection Ordinance 10-10-2018
Utility Accommodation Ordinance #2012-2 (also see the Utility Accommodation Policy) (speed limit is also found under resolutions)
Weight Limits
- 10 Ton/6 Ton Weight Limit Ordinance 2015
- List of Designated Roads - 2015
- Map of Grant Road Weight Restrictions
Wireless Telecommunications Tower and Antennae 05-16-2008
Zoning Handbook
For the Emergency Repair of a Culvert at 90th Street S south of CTH W (Resolution 2025-01)
For the Emergency Repair of a Culvert at 100th Street S south of Timm Road (Resolution 2024-01)
Amendment to Comprehensive Plan, Recommending (Resolution 2023-04)
Amendment to Comprehensive Plan, Recommending (Resolution 2023-6)
Bonds by Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative, Approve Issuance (09-08-2010)
Conditional Use Permit Moratorium (02-08-2006)
Department of Revenue County Assessment Proposal, Resolution to Oppose (01-13-2010)
Election Wards (Resolution 2021-02) and Ward Map
Employee Grievance Procedure, Adopting (09-28-2011)
Expense Sheets (Resolution 2002-01)
Hazards Mitigation Plan Resolution (2019-3)
Highway Expenditure Limits, Authorizing Town Supervisors to Exceed (10-9-2013)
Lot Averaging Option of the Portage County Subdivision Ordinance (06-08-2011)
Open Book Resolution 05-20-2023
Pay Bills Before Monthly Board Meeting (08-12-2003)
Posting Locations for Public Notification (2015-03)
Purchase of Property (12-10-2002)
Speed Limit - Resolution 01-2021 to Lower Speed Limit on Town Road, Mill Rd.
Speed Limit - Resolution 06-06 to Lower Speed Limit on Town Road, Lake Road
Tax Payments - Resolution 2020-1 Waving Interest and Penalties on Certain Late Property