Claude Riglemon
21716 Aspen Avenue
Warrens, WI 54666
Phone: (888) 345-2914
Fax: (608) 378-3023
Zoning Administrator
Andrea Musch
Town Cell: (715) 421-9200
Board of Adjustments Chair
Dave Luecht
Phone: (715) 325-3134
Plan Commission Chairperson
Jodi Lomma
Phone: (715) 340-0413
Zoning Permits
Zoning Permit Application - Contact the Zoning Administrator for assistance. To complete the process you will need to provide the Zoning Administrator with (1) a location sketch drawn to scale showing the location, shape dimensions of the lot, the building and existing buildings, (2) a property tax statement for the lot,and (3) a sanitary permit. Zoning permits are required for a new residence or commercial building; an addition; when establishing an address; when moving a building into, within or through the town; if building an accessory building or adding an addition to an accessory building; for installing an outdoor wood burner furnace; if razing a building; for adding a driveway, deck, porch, or pool; and more.
Conditional Use Permits
Generally a zoning district has two categories of land uses, permitted uses and conditional uses. When a use is designated as “conditional”, the use may be allowed if specific conditions are met. Conditional uses require review, an open process to gather public input on the proposed land use, and approval from the Town Board. See the Zoning Ordinance for a list of permitted and conditional uses for each zoning district.
Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan 2018 is available electronically here. A hard copy can viewed at the office of the Portage County Planning and Zoning Department, Portage County Annex, 1462 Strongs Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, the Grant Town Hall, the McMillan Memorial Library, and the Portage County Public Library.