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Weekly News Blast: The board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. There were two items requested of Clerk Stefanie Schlapa. One was the current cost to taxpayers of two lawsuits brought against the Town by petitioner and former Supervisor Heather Grys-Luecht. Our insurer covered the cost of one suit up to $10,000. The second was also covered up to $10,000 with additional payments by taxpayers of $7,668.66 to date. We anticipate additional payments will be forthcoming as litigation is ongoing. The second item was the number of Open Records Requests (ORRs) made by the aforementioned petitioner and Diana Luecht. Schlapa reported 79 requests made in 2023-2024. Contrast that to less than 10 ORRs in 15 years; primarily from contractors requesting information on bid results and let contracts. Absentee ballots were mailed out on Tuesday for the April 1 spring election. In-person voting will be available at the Town Hall on Saturday March 22 from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Incumbent Supervisors Scott Provost and Doug Steltenpohl are being challenged by Russ Brody and Kathy Woodard. Incumbent Treasurer Greg Hakala is being challenged by Diana Luecht. Clerk Stefanie Schlapa and I as Chair are running unopposed. Enjoy the wonky winter/spring weather, Sharon
Weekly News Blast: The board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. There were two items requested of Clerk Stefanie Schlapa. One was the current cost to taxpayers of two lawsuits brought against the Town by petitioner and former Supervisor Heather Grys-Luecht. Our insurer covered the cost of one suit up to $10,000. The second was also covered up to $10,000 with additional payments by taxpayers of $7,668.66 to date. We anticipate additional payments will be forthcoming as litigation is ongoing. The second item was the number of Open Records Requests (ORRs) made by the aforementioned petitioner and Diana Luecht. Schlapa reported 79 requests made in 2023-2024. Contrast that to less than 10 ORRs in 15 years; primarily from contractors requesting information on bid results and let contracts. Absentee ballots were mailed out on Tuesday for the April 1 spring election. In-person voting will be available at the Town Hall on Saturday March 22 from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Incumbent Supervisors Scott Provost and Doug Steltenpohl are being challenged by Russ Brody and Kathy Woodard. Incumbent Treasurer Greg Hakala is being challenged by Diana Luecht. Clerk Stefanie Schlapa and I as Chair are running unopposed. Enjoy the wonky winter/spring weather, Sharon

Weekly News Blast

The Board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. Of note was correspondences from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. There are now four (4) real or potential utility solar projects approved or applied for in Portage County with large acreages in the Towns of Buena Vista, Grant, Pine Grove, Plover and recently Stockton (map). Further, a large transmission line that will bisect a small portion of the most SE part of Grant. Notice was also received this week that the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation has appealed the Vista Sands Solar project approved last month by the PSC (notice).

The WDNR plans to install two (2) small parking areas at the end of 130th south of CTH W and at the end of Quarry east of CTH F. Both areas are frequently used by hunters, birders, dog trailers, etc. during the year. Currently the roads are considered “low maintenance” but the Town intends to lift and reshape them in cooperation with the Department prior to installation of improved access for vehicles. In further cooperation the WDNR will consider allowing the Town to install a comparable parking area on state land just west of the culvert on Griffith west of CTH F if the middle road section is discontinued as requested by abutting landowners. More to follow on these projects this spring/summer.

Lots like we might get some measurable snow in the next 24 hours. Enjoy it! Please know that our plow operators will do the best they can to keep our roads open. Sharon

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