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Weekly News Blast: The board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. There were two items requested of Clerk Stefanie Schlapa. One was the current cost to taxpayers of two lawsuits brought against the Town by petitioner and former Supervisor Heather Grys-Luecht. Our insurer covered the cost of one suit up to $10,000. The second was also covered up to $10,000 with additional payments by taxpayers of $7,668.66 to date. We anticipate additional payments will be forthcoming as litigation is ongoing. The second item was the number of Open Records Requests (ORRs) made by the aforementioned petitioner and Diana Luecht. Schlapa reported 79 requests made in 2023-2024. Contrast that to less than 10 ORRs in 15 years; primarily from contractors requesting information on bid results and let contracts. Absentee ballots were mailed out on Tuesday for the April 1 spring election. In-person voting will be available at the Town Hall on Saturday March 22 from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Incumbent Supervisors Scott Provost and Doug Steltenpohl are being challenged by Russ Brody and Kathy Woodard. Incumbent Treasurer Greg Hakala is being challenged by Diana Luecht. Clerk Stefanie Schlapa and I as Chair are running unopposed. Enjoy the wonky winter/spring weather, Sharon
Weekly News Blast: The board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. There were two items requested of Clerk Stefanie Schlapa. One was the current cost to taxpayers of two lawsuits brought against the Town by petitioner and former Supervisor Heather Grys-Luecht. Our insurer covered the cost of one suit up to $10,000. The second was also covered up to $10,000 with additional payments by taxpayers of $7,668.66 to date. We anticipate additional payments will be forthcoming as litigation is ongoing. The second item was the number of Open Records Requests (ORRs) made by the aforementioned petitioner and Diana Luecht. Schlapa reported 79 requests made in 2023-2024. Contrast that to less than 10 ORRs in 15 years; primarily from contractors requesting information on bid results and let contracts. Absentee ballots were mailed out on Tuesday for the April 1 spring election. In-person voting will be available at the Town Hall on Saturday March 22 from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Incumbent Supervisors Scott Provost and Doug Steltenpohl are being challenged by Russ Brody and Kathy Woodard. Incumbent Treasurer Greg Hakala is being challenged by Diana Luecht. Clerk Stefanie Schlapa and I as Chair are running unopposed. Enjoy the wonky winter/spring weather, Sharon

Weekly News Blast

Good news. You do not need to wait a week for the next Weekly News Blast. 

Hello all! Did you know we have over 100 road crossings with culverts in the Town of Grant? That’s a lot! They are necessary due to the large network of drainage ditches, natural streams and wetlands that traverse our town. Without these we would suffer obviously flooding, but they come with a cost. Many of our culverts are in great shape, but we have our share of crossings that need repair or have had substantial repair. In order to do this however, we need to know what we have out there, and which ones need attention so assure proper hydraulic conveyance – water movement – continues.

The Town Board has a great working relationship with our partners at D.O.T. and at the Portage County Highway Department. This collaboration has rewarded us with over a million dollars in funds to repair the worst of the worst in the last four years. You most likely have noticed the replacement of five failing culvert bridges over this period. There was just about every temporary fix attempted over the years, but failure was imminent and even occurring at a few! These bridges received 50% cost share from our partners, which made the replacement of these failing structures possible. This was a direct result of our working relationship with our road building partners. 

In 2024, we were giving the option by the County to have all of our culverts over 6 feet inspected by them or their consultant, or we could do it ourselves and earn $100.00 for very inspection if the Town completed it for them. After a short training course to learn the process, all the inspections were completed during the fall of 2024. After lots of miles, measurements, forms and spreadsheets, some awesome wildlife views and a few wet feet, the task was completed. Last week the county awarded the Town of Grant a check for $2,300. Of all the remaining culverts in the town only 23 met the parameters for reimbursement (i.e. culverts >6 feet in diameter).

Another realized benefit of this survey was that we have a better idea of where our road crews need to concentrate maintenance work this year. Yes, the typical road work will occur this year, but in addition to regular maintenance, our crossings will be highlighted as well. Most of this is removal of brush and trees around culvert openings that may be restricting flow or may be jeopardizing the structural integrity of the culverts. Unfortunately, there will also be some work (your tax dollars) going to the removal of disposed trash (e.g. furniture, TV’s, mattresses, etc.) that can plug the culverts and/or release toxins such as PFAS and/or heavy metals to our waterways. We will do our best to address these issues, but your help to prevent and report areas of dumping will help us ultimately curtail some of this behavior and save us more money.


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