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Weekly News Blast: Clerk Stefanie Schlapa has been busy drafting components of the All-Hazard Mitigation Plan in cooperation with Portage County Emergency Management. At a time to be announced we hope to engage members of the Plan Commission and all interested residents in this important process. On Monday I attended a WI Towns Association meeting in the Town of Hull (Portage Co.) where staff queried officials about issues important for future legislation. Included among the many issues were utility solar, costs of emergency services, insurance, and harassment of town officials. On Tuesday UW-Extension presented an informational session on utility solar and the power (not) of local governments to control either placement or size. A pre-construction meeting for the bridges over Four Mile Creek on 95th and 100th Streets was held on Tuesday. At this writing, the start date for these projects is August 26th however it is possible they may begin sooner. Our public works crew continued with tree and debris removal on Griffith Avenue, mowing, and grading. It’s going to be a very warm weekend. Keep cool and hydrated, Sharon

Weekly News Blast

Best to grab a tall one…this is going to be a long weekly update!

We received official confirmation from WisDOT that Pine Street (CTH U – 90th) will receive a $44,000 Transportation Road Improvement (TRI-) grant to mend this section of road. But we also received confirmation that we will not receive either a TRI-Discretionary (50%) or Tri-Supplemental (90%) grant to construct the bridges on 95th and 100th Streets over Four Mile Creek. These would have provided up to $500,000. Usually only one municipality in Portage County receives these special grants every other year. In the last grant cycle, we received one for Buena Vista Road ($221,000) but not this time. As a result, Portage Co. Highway Department, rather than the T. Grant will bid these projects this year. Those of you who frequent 95th Street know that the integrity of the road is very poor. Thanks to part-time public works employees Jerry Reinwand and Jim Yetter, along with Supervisor Doug Steltenpohl the sides of the road were secured this week (see attached). They deserve our thanks.

The Plan Commission met to consider public comments from the Zoning Ordinance hearing held last week. All comments were taken under advisement. Additional definitions are now being drafted. Once the Zoning Ordinance is finalized the Sign Ordinance will be drafted as an accompaniment. Both will be considered by the Town Board later.

 The Town of Saratoga held an Informational Meeting regarding utility solar with a special emphasis on battery storage facilities. Many local fire department staff were in attendance to learn about fire suppression of these semi-size batteries. Clerk Stefanie Schlapa and I were in attendance to hear the many and varied questions and to ask a few ourselves.

Stefanie received word this week that resident Russell Brody filed a notice to petition to recall Supervisors Scott Provost, Doug Steltenpohl, and me.  If the petitions succeed the Town will need to hold a Special Election at taxpayers’ expense. This is the latest in a series of actions brought against the current officers. Last August former Supervisor Heather Grys-Luecht filed a certified complaint with the Portage County District Attorney. He found no cause and dismissed her complaint. Then in November she filed a lawsuit against the Town of Grant, Clerk Stefanie Schlapa, Treasurer Greg Hakala, Supervisor Scott Provost, and me. The circuit judge has yet to schedule a hearing. There will be costs to town taxpayers and disclosed when finalized. However, the costs to town officers in terms of time, energy, and emotions take away from our ability to serve you. We all bring unique skills “to the table” but when we are compelled to use our time presiding over petty politics, everyone loses. There will always be those who consider us unworthy of public office. But I state with confidence that the current officers are hard-working and honest people. I considered myself lucky to be among them.

Perhaps the rain will lighten the dust…enjoy the weekend.